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Zen and the art of not taking one's self too seriously, seriously

The best ideas start as memes

Really. Words and images, sprinkle in a little humor, and you have a full-fledged marketing campaign. Great creative is 80% concept, 19% execution. That last one percent? Make people smile or laugh in the process—that’s the secret sauce. 

Who—or what—is the Meme Architect?

A guy with Photoshop and a warped sense of humor

Hello! Andrew, here. Welcome to my website. 

The Meme Architect started out as an inside joke lampooning the struggles of starting out as a freelancer in a challenging industry. Over the years I’ve balanced the demands of performing in multiple, in-house, creative roles, while taking on various freelance projects.

I could’ve marketed myself more conservatively, perhaps. Instead, after a chance exchange with the director of an ad agency I was trying to get hired at, I fully embraced my creative identity: an “architect” of words and pictures. And here we are. 

The idea behind the meme architect has always been less of a brand than it is a creative exercise—a reminder to retain creative autonomy, with the end result being a more genuine, natural product. This is my approach to creative problem solving. The less contrived the better, IMO.  

I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.

branding at its weirdest

Feast thine eyes. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.

Do you identify as "meme Curious"?

Holla Holla Holla. Welp. You made it this far. Might as well drop a line.